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Flight Lessons
Flight Training
Flight Lessons
Pre-Flight Briefings
23. Diversion
23. Diversion
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Daily Flight Authorization
Daily Flight Authorization
2.0 Preparation for flight pdf
3.0 Ancillary Controls pdf
4.0 Taxiing pdf
5.0 Attitudes and Movements pdf
6. Straight and Level
7-8 Climbs and Descents
9. Turns
9.1 Climbing Descending Turns
9.2 Steep Turns
10. Range and Endurance
11. Slow Flight
12. Stalls
13. Spins
14. Spiral Dives
15. Slipping
16.1 Take Off - Basic
17. Landing
17.1 Circuits
18.1 Soft Field Take off and Landing
18.2 Short Field Take off and Landing
20. Illusions created by drift
21. Precautionary landing
22. Forced Approach
23. Navigation
Navigation Log
24. Instrument Flight Intro
24e Radio Aids to Navigation
25. Night Flight
24. Instrument Flight Intro ►
Flight Lessons
Book Plane and Instructor
Pre-Flight Briefings